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MacNicol & Associates Asset Management
24 05, 2023

The Daily – May 24, 2023

2023-05-24T12:31:02+00:00By |Categories: The Daily|

Traders at five major banks colluded in chatrooms to swap sensitive information on UK bonds in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis,

19 05, 2023

Monthly Market Update – Issue 01 – May 4, 2023

2023-06-06T20:38:58+00:00By |Categories: Blog|Tags: |

MacNicol’s Monthly Market Update is a roundup of the financial market performance as impacted by global business, economic, and political events. An update on MacNicol’s Alternative Asset Trust is also highlighted in this issue. Disclaimer: Information and opinions presented are based on data available as of the date of presentation. No equity recommendations are [...]

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