Read Our Informative Blog on Alternative Investments

Bezos Getting Bold

June 24th, 2014|Blog|

Few markets are as cutthroat and competitive as the international smartphone market, and its two dominant [...]

Pipeline or Pipe-Dream?

June 23rd, 2014|Blog|

  On Tuesday, Stephen Harper made a long-awaited announcement, approving the highly controversial Northern Gateway Pipeline [...]

Friend or Foe?

June 20th, 2014|Blog|

Like many others, the staff at MacNicol and Associates enjoy starting off our day with a [...]

Ukraine and Russia Revisited

June 17th, 2014|Blog|

It was 8 days ago that John Oliver’s 13-minute evisceration of FIFA went viral on YouTube; [...]

Iraq, Oil & The ISIS

June 12th, 2014|Blog|

  Today, our team entered the office elated that the World Cup kick off was just [...]

MacNicol in the News

May 23rd, 2014|Blog|

This is an exciting day for MacNicol and Associates. Dave’s investment expertise is on display in [...]