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Monthly Commentaries

9 02, 2019

The Monthly – February 2019

2023-08-30T11:48:14+00:00By |Categories: Commentaries, Monthly Commentaries|

MacNicol's Monthly Commentary-February 2019 The Death of Indexing? Thankfully the word "giant" is not used liberally in the investment world and that’s a very good thing. These days it seems that everyone in our industry is either a Vice President or a Director, so it can be difficult for investors to know who to listen [...]

5 12, 2018

The Monthly – December 2018

2023-08-30T11:47:28+00:00By |Categories: Commentaries, Monthly Commentaries|

MacNicol's Monthly Commentary-December 2018 Back on August 4th, 2018 Apple became the world's first Trillion-dollar company and no that isn’t a typo. Putting Apple’s peak in perspective was easy: line up seven companies the size of Toronto-Dominion Bank and toss in a small sized insurance company for good measure and you pretty much had your [...]

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