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26 08, 2017

The Integris Personal Pension Plan Webinar

2023-08-30T12:45:51+00:00By |Categories: Advisor Videos, Video, Webinars|

MacNicol & Associates Asset Management Inc. & Integris were proud to host the Personal Pension Plan Information Webinar. Listen to the recording from our event to see how a PPP can benefit business owners and their portfolios. To learn more about PPPs, click here for frequently asked questions.  

22 08, 2017

Alternative Debt Fund Webinar

2023-08-29T23:37:29+00:00By |Categories: Advisor Videos, Video, Webinars|

MacNicol & Associates is proud to announce the launch or our Alternative Debt Fund. Listen in as both David MacNicol & Joseph Pochodyniak explain the structure of the fund and why it was created. Learn how the asset classes included in the fund can benefit a portfolio for clients and advisors alike.    

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