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Alt Trust Q3 Press Release

November 1st, 2023|Alternative Commentaries, Blog, Commentaries|

The MacNicol Alternative Asset Trust earned a 1.4% investment return, net of fees, for the quarter ending September 30, 2023. The investment environment was defined by persistent inflation, resilient economic data, and rising interest rates across the United States and Canada. The fund was mainly higher due to strong private real estate and hedge fund returns. During the third quarter, the Trust realized two notable exit transactions, and made a number of new investments.

  • lighthouse

The Monthly – September 2023

September 12th, 2023|Commentaries, Monthly Commentaries|

Septembers have traditionally received failing grades when it comes to their performance in the stock market. June and October are slackers too, but their failings somehow tend to be issued a passing grade by most investors.

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The Monthly – August 2023

August 21st, 2023|Commentaries, Monthly Commentaries|

2022 saw most balanced investors schooled in the main constituents of a balanced portfolio (stocks and bonds). Even educated investors had to quickly remind themselves that fixed income securities can lose value and that stocks aren’t the only asset class that can fluctuate every now and again.

  • lighthouse

The Q2 Commentary 2023

July 12th, 2023|Commentaries|

Market consolidation, Nvidia, market multiples, Valuations, Interest rates, Central Banks, Mortgage rates