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22 10, 2020

NEW – The Q3 Commentary 2020

2023-08-30T11:54:42+00:00By |Categories: Commentaries|

MacNicol’s Quarterly Commentary - October 2020 Bored boards, fickle investors… There is an old expression in real estate that has been around for a long time. It goes a little something like this: “a 2x4 doesn’t care whether it goes into a shack or a mansion”. Given the run up in lumber prices this year [...]

8 09, 2020

The Monthly – September 2020

2023-08-30T11:54:20+00:00By |Categories: Commentaries, Monthly Commentaries|

MacNicol’s Monthly Commentary - September 2020 You have to admit that Jeopardy is one darn good game show. Its the sort of mental diversion one can take to temporarily “zone out” of all of life’s challenges but in a way that leaves your mind feeling clear, well balanced and alert. One obvious category would have [...]

10 08, 2020

The Monthly – August 2020

2023-08-30T11:54:03+00:00By |Categories: Commentaries, Monthly Commentaries|

MacNicol’s Monthly Commentary - August 2020 The concept of time is a funny thing. Sometimes one hour feels like an eternity and sometimes one year feels like the blink of an eye. Oddly enough, when I reflect upon the year so far, it is as if the year has passed in a blink of an [...]

13 07, 2020

The Q2 Commentary 2020

2023-08-30T11:53:44+00:00By |Categories: Commentaries|

MacNicol’s Quarterly Commentary- July 2020 Even if you do not follow the stock market regularly, you probably do know that it plunged big-time in late March on fears that the coronavirus pandemic would halt an economic expansion that was 11 years in the making. Mandatory coronavirus shutdowns and travel restrictions eradicated not only a sizable [...]

13 07, 2020

The Alternative Quarterly Commentary – Q2 2020

2023-01-06T20:59:08+00:00By |Categories: Alternative Commentaries, Commentaries|

MacNicol’s The Alternative Quarterly Commentary- July 2020 The MacNicol Alternative Asset Trust is a multi-strategy, alternative investment platform designed to generate returns that are positive and uncorrelated with public stock or bond markets. The Trust, through its underlying limited partnerships invests in real estate, private equity and hedge funds. In total the Alternative Trust is [...]

10 06, 2020

The Monthly – June 2020

2023-08-30T11:53:25+00:00By |Categories: Commentaries, Monthly Commentaries|

MacNicol’s Monthly Commentary - June 2020 Don’t look now but the S&P500 is back over 3,000 points. Yes, I let out an incredulous gasp myself. The absolute level of the S&P500 was thing but I was much more surprised by the speed the index “tore” away from a well defined trading channel during most of [...]

25 05, 2020

The Monthly – May 2020

2023-08-30T00:01:46+00:00By |Categories: Commentaries, Monthly Commentaries|

MacNicol’s Monthly Commentary - May 2020 Though a large contingent of lawmakers, central bankers and health care experts continue to deal with the enormous economic and human impact of COVID 19, attention is beginning to shift towards what life may look like once the crisis has passed. The MacNicol Investment Team is cautiously optimistic about [...]

24 04, 2020

The Q1 Commentary 2020

2023-08-30T00:01:31+00:00By |Categories: Commentaries|

MacNicol’s Quarterly Commentary- April 2020 I love British Columbia. But I have always felt that the province’s population of Bears were a lot speedier than they appeared. Bears are of course also extremely strong and temperamental in certain situations. But I never knew just how fast Bears were until I looked into it for this [...]

24 04, 2020

The Alternative Quarterly Commentary – Q1 2020

2023-01-06T20:59:35+00:00By |Categories: Alternative Commentaries, Commentaries|

MacNicol’s The Alternative Quarterly Commentary- April 2020 The MacNicol Alternative Asset Trust is a multi-strategy, alternative investment platform designed to generate returns that are positive and uncorrelated with public stock or bond markets. The Trust, through its underlying limited partnerships invests in real estate, private equity and hedge funds. In total the Alternative Trust is [...]

24 03, 2020

Alternative Commentary – Absolute Return

2023-01-06T21:00:09+00:00By |Categories: Alternative Commentaries, Commentaries|

MacNicol’s The Alternative Commentary- March 24, 2020 The Absolute Return Fund through its partnerships invests in Latin America (LATAM) and our distressed debt program was impacted and impacted significantly. As today is March 24th, 2020, I am not in a position to discuss specific performance metrics of the fund just yet but will detail them [...]

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