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15 06, 2023

Monthly Market Update – Issue 02 – June 15, 2023

2023-10-18T04:54:53+00:00By |Categories: Blog|Tags: |

June is not just another month. It’s the mid-year point, the glorious start of summer, and to some industries, the peak season. This issue of our monthly market update focuses on the tech sector performance, Canadian equities, and alternative assets. Additionally, we'll explore the potential impact of interest rate changes and provide an overview of [...]

19 05, 2023

Monthly Market Update – Issue 01 – May 4, 2023

2023-06-06T20:38:58+00:00By |Categories: Blog|Tags: |

MacNicol’s Monthly Market Update is a roundup of the financial market performance as impacted by global business, economic, and political events. An update on MacNicol’s Alternative Asset Trust is also highlighted in this issue. Disclaimer: Information and opinions presented are based on data available as of the date of presentation. No equity recommendations are [...]

15 02, 2023

telMAX Fibre Internet: Connecting Communities

2023-02-22T22:18:39+00:00By |Categories: Blog|Tags: |

Today’s hybrid work structure and the increasing reliance on global connections for business growth demand a faster, more reliable internet connection. Indeed, much of our economic activities lean on the innovative solutions created and utilized by telecommunications companies.  The market analysis run by SpeedTest shows that Canada’s median download speed for fixed broadband is [...]

12 12, 2022

13th Floor Investments: Building Wealth and Community

2023-02-22T22:20:57+00:00By |Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

One of the alternative investment vehicles we often talk about is real estate. The fact of the matter is, even with market dips, real estate delivers great returns over long periods of time. It is an important component of a diversified portfolio, a great hedge against inflation, and offers decent cash flow, should specific criteria [...]

14 11, 2022

RealVision: Disrupting On-Demand TV

2022-12-01T20:20:33+00:00By |Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

Soaring inflation. Recession. Market vulnerability. All these have drawn people to check their financial pulse — how does the global market affect us? And are we prepared to weather the storm at the horizon?  MacNicol and Associates look ahead and approach the impending storm before it reaches your doorstep. Through experience, a disciplined focus, [...]

22 08, 2022

OnCore Golf: Going the Distance

2023-01-04T15:53:30+00:00By |Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

Technology is reshaping the golf industry. From GPS systems that calculate the distance to the hole to self-driving carts, performance-enhancing club designs and swing analysis systems, we can say that the turf is now greener than ever.  This doesn’t just mean a more competitive sports arena but also income-generating opportunities. Which is why we have [...]

5 08, 2022

Fliteboard: Surfing, Redefined

2022-11-01T17:37:06+00:00By |Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

In an era of innovation, it’s not a foreign concept to integrate technology into every aspect of our lives – especially with sports and leisure.   It was 2020 when we first encountered a Fliteboard bombing through South Florida’s steady waters. At a time of panic and pandemic, MacNicol & Associates Asset Management saw a [...]

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